Launching Wednesday, February 14th - I have written fake newspaper articles since I was ten. I would pass them around to friends during class. Eventually my friends and I would get sent to the four corners of the room because we couldn't stop laughing. Then later, I'd pass them out to the girls on my dorm floor at Indiana University. Eventually I would make copies and pass them out to strangers and post them in bathroom stalls for people to read. Sometimes I would hear a girl say "who writes those? they are so....weird," but she'd be laughing anyway. It was really something that I longed to do. Sometimes in the middle of that damn Microeconomics class that I failed twice, I would catch myself thinking of headlines.
Eventually I ended up in Chicago to study comedy. And once I'd found my niche, I decided to take up a blog. About a year ago I began writing twisted horoscopes and fake news that my friends could read. Then I saw an ad on craigslist searching for comedy writers for a new fake news zine. I took a chance, and as it turned out, they needed a horoscoper. Star crossed lovers, me and a chance to predict the future with absurdity.
The zine will be launching on February 14th. Happy Valentines Day, perfect if you need a laugh to forget how overrated it is. Or Happy Valentines Day if you need a cheap yet well worth it date - visit our site for a delectable giggle. -Jessica
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