In a word last night was...spectacular. What a wild and content crowd upstairs at Lairs Club. Everyone was just out to have a good ol' fashioned fun time. First off Aleks, Hilary, and Machine Media deserve multiple kudos for their work. Aleks and Hilary dropped the beats like no other - i wish that their sets could be played at clubs all over the city because the Pro-DJs would be jealous. Thanks to all the folks that came out. We never expected this kind of turn out - with the unique ebbs and flows associated with popular personalities like Aleks and Hilary. It was A/C's first event, first time DJing and first time with our new photo endenvour. Check in tomorrow and see the pics. The first Avant/Chicago/Party/Photo/Project (A/C/P/P/P) was a success, but needs more total people in order to live up to its possibilities. (Liar's Club was packed but maybe not quiet enough to totally execute our P/P/P) But the shots will be fly. So come back for that. Lastly and least importantly here is my setlist - broken up in 2 - as an opener for Hilary and an opener for Aleks -
- Cash Machine Hard-Fi
- Girl and The Sea The Presets
- Leave Them All Behind Whitey
- What Have You Done Menowah
- Forgotten Works Klaxons
- Tchaparian Hot Chip
- Little Girl DFA 1979
- Music Kills Me Rinocerose
- Tip Of The Tongue Lotus
- New Jack Justice
- Robot Rock Daft Punk
- Gold Lion Yeah Yeah Yeahs (Diplo Remix)
- No Sleep Till Brooklyn Beastie Boys
- Rock Me Pills
- The Looks MSTRKRFT
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