Charlie Deet's record release show for Fight the Death Funk was another solid display of psychedelic disco magic. And while this night featured more psychedlelia then disco, Deet's always entranching style swayed to a little bit darker side this night. Put off by some computer issues (and maybe the weather) Deet's seemed to drive his demons out on stage, while we all delighted in the sound it was producing. He guzzled "pills" from a humansized pill bottle and cut off a chunck of hair for a fan. On the picture side we took it very easy. We only got a few as we just enjoyed the music. Not wanting to fight the crowd to get up close, we did try to take some up top and off the stairs (promptly getting kicked off) but nothing too special turned out. We did catch up with many of the usual folks like Derrick (Aleks and the Drummer) who dropped some info on the upcoming album and their trip to SXSW, Brandon and Kelsey from Machine Media who always have some good tidbits and a few other stealthy conversations. The funniest bit of the night began as we walked home (fueled by a couple Red Bulls) and passed Kelsey on the street caring a bottle of wine and a 30 of PBR and ended with a kid on a BMX bike near the apartment asking we if I needed any weed. Chicago and it's drug habits - sweet home.
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